The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

When There’s Something Strange…in Your Game Console…Who Ya Gonna Call?

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageSource: Variety

Ghostbusters! That’s right gamers, if you’ve been in the midst of playing F.E.A.R. and wishing you could trade in your assault rifle for proton pack (entirely more appropriate for dispatching apparitions), you’ll finally get your wish.

Vivendi Games is teaming with Sony Pictures to adapt Ghostbusters into a video game franchise. This isn’t the first time a Ghostbusters game has been developed, and as recently as last year a grittier, Gears of War-style game was being developed by Zootfly. Intended for the Xbox 360, PS3, and Nintendo Wii, that project fell through due to copyright issues, and it looks like Vivendi and Sony are starting over from scratch.

There’s plenty of game details (and speculation on my part) after the jump!
All four members of the team-Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and Ernie Hudson-will be provide voice talent and their likenesses for the game’s development. Also, Aykroyd and Ramis are writing the game’s story, which will be set after the events of Ghostbusters II, during a new ghoulish invasion of the Big Apple.

Could this finally be the outlet for Ramis and Aykroyd to get their vision for a third Ghostbusters movie (at one time titled Ghostbusters III: Hellbent, and later Ghostbusters in Hell) to see the light of day? Who knows, but back in August of this year Aykroyd spoke in quite a bit of detail about a CG-version of a planned third movie he was pushing, saying:

"We go to the hell side of Manhattan, downtown, Foley Square. It’s all where the cops are–they are all blue minotaurs. Central Park is this huge peat mine with green demons there, surrounded by black onyx thousand-foot high apartment buildings with classic red devils, very wealthy. We go and visit a Donald Trump-like character who is Mr. Sifler. Luke Sifler. Lu-cifer. So we meet the devil in it."

Who knows what is planned at this point, but this gamer could do without the Devil-as-Donald-Trump bit. Ugh.