The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Video Games Movies That Should Be Made

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

(3) Halo


There is no reason Halo wouldn’t work as a movie. It takes all the prototypical scifi tropes and wraps into one well-armored package. It causes spontaneous high-fives in college campuses around the world, and is the reason for the success of the Xbox. 

So why hasn’t it been made into a movie?

My thought is that it is hard for writers to come up with a better version of the story than Eric Nylund’s novel The Fall of ReachActing as an origin story for the game’s protagonist, the novel covers the recruitment of the original Spartan class, the shady science behind their strength and abilities, and the arrival of the Covenant armada. 

It is one of the finest video game-based books I have ever read. 

Better than the ninety minute trailer for a new game by a long shot

Start from the beginning, showing the original purpose of the super soldier known as Master Chief. For instance, did you know that the Spartan program was created to put down a human rebellion? Or the fact that the Spartans were children when they were first selected?

Seriously, even if you have no interest in Halo or video games in general, you should read this book. 

And they should make it into a movie. Because it would be awesome.