The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Top 10 Things that LITERALLY Just Happened at E3

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

Shadow of Mordor


If you’ve read my earlier preview (and let’s hope you did, it was amazing), then you know I am uber excited for the release of Shadow of Mordor. New story details came out during the E3 interviews, but the most amazing thing is just to see it in action. 

As a once-dead Ranger, you reap havoc across the realm of the Dark Lord Sauron, cleaving orcs in twain with your powerful sword or straight up magicking them to death. The execution of wraith powers, such as teleporting across a map in order to decapitate an archer, is as visually appealing as it is effective. 

Shadow looks next-gen, in both scale and actual graphics. Each frame is rich with detail, and runs at a super smooth clip (the devs are hoping for 60 fps, but it is stunning at 30). 

The Nemesis system was giving more than just lip service during the playable demo. In each run, the end villains changed based on your actions (and deaths). The developers most incredible statement, in my humble opinion, was the idea that the final boss you face in the game might be the first enemy that ever defeated you. 

And these orcs don’t just rise when they kill you. As your legend grows, enemies will crawl from the rafters itching for a chance to spill your insides. Infighting will kill off certain enemies, while others will defeat their challengers and rise ever higher. The level of replayability hinted at is unmatched. 

I simply cannot wait for this title.