The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Top 10 Things that LITERALLY Just Happened at E3

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor


No Man’s Sky

Do you remember Spore? That Maxis game where you evolved from a single-celled organism into an intergalactic empire? 

Sure, a few people do. More importantly, we remember how it just barely missed the mark at being a fun game. 

I’m not saying I didn’t lose some hours to the title back in the day, but after you’ve made a few phallic monstrosities, there really isn’t much to bring you back. The end game was, sad to say, a big let down. 

Well, No Man’s Sky plans to take that end game and go apeshit. 

The demo starts from a First Person perspective, with you walking along the grassy plains of an alien world. All manner of strange wildlife wanders the countryside, existing in a diverse and active ecosystem. As an ornery predator decides to make you a meal, you flee to a waiting ship and take off into the sky. 

And you don’t stop. 

Suddenly you’re in orbit, fighting other spaceships and dodging missiles as a whole armada leaps into the system. Giving chase to a trio of fighters, you drop down into the atmosphere of a completely different planet. 

All of this happens seamlessly, without load times or anything. It is, in a word, breathtaking. 

Having seen this level of promise in a title before, I am understandably cautious with my optimism. If the team can pull it off, this may be one of the most ambitious games ever made.