The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

This Month in Covers: July 2008

Written by: Gary M. Kenny, CC2K Comics Editor

ImageEvery month, dozens of books are released, sometimes with five different covers. What's in a cover? Well, comics are one of the few mediums where we can literally judge a book by its cover. Sure, the art on the inside may not be by the same artist, and often times probably not even close to the same quality. But, what is it that attracts us to a book we've never noticed before? Exactly – the cover. This month's Honorable Mention: Adam Hughes' Catwoman #81. 


Honorable Mention:  (by CC2K Comics Editor Joey Esposito)

Catwoman #81

Cover by Adam Hughes 

 If it were up to me, Adam Hughes' cover work would land number one on this list every single month, year after year. With Catwoman coming to and end, I can only hope that Hughes moves on to do cover work for, oh, I don't know, the upcoming Zatanna ongoing series. I swear I'm not a pervert, and I've never (ever) gotten off on comic book ladies. But god damn, if I were going to (but I won't…) Hughes' work is where I would start. That said, even those of us that are not into cartoon ladies can appreciate Hughes' knack for not only female anatomy, but also his ability to throw in spot-on personality traits in a single image. No other cover artist hits the nail on the head every single time like Hughes does. Alas, this is Gary's list…let it begin!




5. Daredevil #109
Cover by Marko Djurdjevic




 How political is that! Besides being one of July’s best comics, this issue gets a great cover with a James Bond / political theme. Here’s a bloody mapped Africa and Double D. He’s a white man holding a gun in one hand and a judgment scale in the other, and as a sick little twist you get him dressed in his reddest devil uniform.  Though Marko Djurdjevic doesn’t draw the issues, his Daredevil covers make me wonder: what if?



4. Beyond Wonderland # 1
Cover by David Finch




The master of drawing monsters and hot woman gives us an amazing take on one of fiction’s creepiest crawlies: Alice’s Caterpillar.  Everyone had that zippo lighter of Alice talking to the caterpillar, but Finch’s remake doesn’t keep the image trippy instead he makes the creature scary and though Alice looks sexy, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near them.  I love the grey tones in this piece and the fact that there isn’t much going on in the background accept for an oversized overly angry looking insect.



3. Jokers Asylum Scarecrow #1
Cover  by Juan Doe



It’s as if Batman: The Animated Series never got cancelled but made better. After drawing on Marvel's Fantastic Four: Isla de la Muerte and a Black Panther cover, Juan Doe (real name) really goes all out and gives us one of the coolest Dark Knight rogue cover in recent time. His color theme screams Halloween with its accents on fear and cartoon fun. I really dig the crazy smile the scarecrow gives and the fact that his bag mask is somewhat intact on his lips. It’s big, it’s fun, and it’s my choice for one of the best covers in July.



2. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vol 2 #16
Cover by Jo Chen





This has to be one of the coolest covers of July. Jo Chen draws beautiful covers for Marvel’s Runaways but with Buffy she really tries to astonish. This type of fighting angle isn’t normally seen on covers, it’s death from above and Chen really out does herself. From the falling rays of sun light to the “I totally stole this from the movie The 5th Element” action sequence, this image has what every action cover needs to have: intensity. The only let down is even though I know I’ll get another stunning cover from Chen, I will not get a kick ass cover like this for a long time. 



1. Eternals Vol 4 #2
Cover by Daniel Acuna




 It’s beautiful, it’s sexy, it’s celestial and it’s the cover of the month.  I love how the world is in the backdrop, it makes the cover look powerful and seem bigger then everything. Yet, it’s the image of the tryst between Sersi and Makkari that is the real event. You can tell that even though the couple has a magnificent rising sun and crescent world behind them, nothing but the yearning of their kiss stands out. I love how Acuna places Sersi’s leg between Makkari’s hips, it’s a naughty tease and it’s happening in space. Acuna knows the importance of a kiss and how it can be the most amazing thing even when it’s in an out of this world environment. It’s shown with this cover and it’s a great picture to stare at while you’re listening to some Pink Floyd.