The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top Five Scariest Spiders in Gaming

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

4) Phantom: Devil May Cry

The original Devil May Cry changed the way third-person action games played. Before DMC, there was no possible way for a No More Heroes or Bayonetta to exist. Gamers wouldn’t stand for such ludicrous acrobatics and gunplay. But after Dante stepped onto the scene, that was all people wanted.

His first adventure started with a pretty standard fair: Demons attack, he gets stabbed through the chest, now he’s working for some bimbo and trying to clear a mansion of the denizens of Hell. It was a wacky story, and still resembles the original idea more than the hilariously insane Dante’s Inferno years later.

You waltz through the first level, dispatching slow-moving demons with aplomb. Wielding the ever-popular Ebony and Ivory, you return the Devil’s children to Hell as though cleaning your room. And then you reach the first boss, and he is a cheating sonofabitch. 

First of all, Phantom is the size of a goddamn bus. His carapace is as hard as marble, and his blood is burning hot magma. This is one dude with whom you seriously should not fuck. But Dante, asshat that he is, decides to go toe-to-toe against a steaming bucket of HellSpider.

I won’t lie: I never really made it passed Phantom. At least, not of my own volition. After watching the Game Over screen about 14 times, I finally broke down and called my friend Chris to help out. He bested Phantom in minutes, barely breaking a sweat. Luckily I was able to blame my crippling fear of spiders to cover for my ultimate lack of skill, but I never really enjoyed the series after that.