The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top Five Scariest Spiders in Gaming

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

5) Gohma: Legend of Zelda – Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time, or Zelda 64, was arguably one of my favorite games on the oddly-designed Nintendo 64. The graphics were a mix of muddy matte paintings and muddier texture maps, and the camera was a she-devil sent from Hell to punish the very idea of platforming, but the overall product was an incredible game that still holds a place in my heart.

As an arachnophobe, however, Zelda 64 was a Category-5 pants-filling adventure.

You begin the game as young Link, an outcast in Elf society. You are rudely awakened from a pretty crazy dream by the most annoying sidekick ever heard in gaming.

You are summoned to the Great Oak Tree and told to enter its mouth and defeat evil spirits (so, basically this is the beginning to a Lifetime movie about a a bad Priest).

Inside the Tree you find creepy plants, crazy bats, and terrifying Skulltulas. But none of that compares to what happens when you arrive at the bottom of the dungeon.

The very first boss in the game arrives in style. At first, all you see is her glowing red eye. Then you hear the unmistakable sound of many legs skittering across the ceiling. And then she drops like a bomb into the center of the room, sizing you up as her next meal.

Sure, Gohma wasn’t too tough of a boss, and she didn’t really have the eight legs required to be considered a true spider, but as the original Spider Boss, she opened the floodgates for the nightmares to come.