The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top 5 Gateway Games for Hooking Your Boo

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

2) Pokémon


It is simply not possible that you don’t know about the Japanese sensation known as Pocket Monster, so I won’ty pretend to need to explain it to you.

The game is simple, and the methods addicting. I figured that if any series could hook my gal, it would be this. I’d even heard many first-hand success stories from friends and loved ones. Pokemon was where it was at.

I had sunk more than thirty hours into my particular game before I brought it to my lady-friend with heart a flutter. She took a turn that couldn’t have lasted more than a few minutes.

“I have to catch them all, right?”

I laughed. Clearly she was in the first throes of Pokemania. “Yes, love. You have to catch them all.”

“And how many are there?”

I grinned sheepishly. “About 493.”

She chucked my Gameboy at me so hard it slipped into another dimension, rendering both itself and the game unplayable by mortal hands. No luck there.