The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top 5 Gateway Games for Hooking Your Boo

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

3) Wii Sports

It’s not accurate to say that the World loved Wii Sports. It is accurate to say that the World, unequivocally, loved Wii Bowling.

The actual sport of bowling receives less praise than the Nintendo simulation, which is a shame in and of itself. The noble calling of the Pins and Alleys seems to have missed the most recent generation of Americans. This saddens me beyond belief, but I am somewhat appeased by the success of its digital counterpart.

There is something sickly sweet and endearing about watching a Mii version of yourself play sports like a spastic cat hopped up on the Nip. And while Bowling is, for most folk, a pastime best reserved as a unwelcome last resort, it makes for one super fun mini game.

I had my lady-friend take a swing at the digital version, and for a moment she seemed genuinely entertained. I thought, for a moment, that a smile had crested her lips. Then a series of a hideous gutterballs robbed the moment of any possible joy. She threw the Wiimote at my TV, shattering both in an explosion of plastic and all of my money.