The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top 5 Games of 2014, and Why You Should Be Freaking Out

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor



Destiny is the brainchild of the developers at Bungie, and it may be the next killer app for the gaming industry. For those of you from the aforementioned Europa caves, Bungie Studios developed the Halo series. Basically, they know how to make a fucking game.

Massively Multiplayer Shooter-RPGs work, everyone knows this.

Well, not everyone

Borderlands showed us that getting together with friends and exploding aliens and bandits could be a hell of a good time. Destiny plans to take that torch and run with it, leaping headfirst into the next generation of console-based combat. With a unique art style and the promise of a fun mix of strategy and reflex-based gameplay, this could be the game that warrants purchasing a new system.

Words like “epic” and “legendary” barely begin to scratch the surface of what this game promises to deliver, and more details are revealed every month.

Why you should freak out:

It’s the team behind Halo, people. Those games didn’t make billions of dollars by sucking at life. They did it by being the video game equivalent of heroin. And Destiny may end up being your version of meth.

Humanity is nearing extinction, and you are a Guardian of the Last City. Armed with crazy alien tech and imbued with mysterious powers, you must shape the future of Earth, or watch it fall into dust.

I’m tingly just reading that.

With randomly-generated events, huge set-piece battles and a team of fan-loving developers, Destiny has all the makings of a Game of the Year contender.

So start saving now, because 2014 is here and the games are coming fast.