The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top 5 Games of 2014, and Why You Should Be Freaking Out

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

For gamers, January is a month of tension. The possibilities of a strong gaming year loom overhead like thunderheads, poised to drop a fat stack of AAA blockbusters at a moment’s notice. With each new day, the release of hotly anticipated titles draws ever closer. But with such a saturated field, how do you know which games deserve your hard-earned dollars?

Well, that’s where I come in.

This year may become the Year of the Gamer, all depending on the events of the next few months. The Next-Gen consoles have thus far only teased us with promises of sleeker graphic, deeper stories and more addictive gameplay; promises that are, as of yet, unfulfilled. Rather than waste your time with a look at games that may not ever show up, I decided to choose the five titles I feel will change the way we look at games, at least for a hot minute.