The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top Ten Tones that Pown

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor


5)  Metal Gear Solid

I won’t lie. My favorite moments in gaming come while sneaking around as Solid Snake. Something about infiltrating secret bases and blowing up building-sized robots just works for me. But with the last few games packing cringe-worthy dialogue and a story straight out of mad-libs, what was it that kept me coming back for more?

Oh, how about this?

How do you hear that and not want to snap some necks? I mean, play a game. 

Snake’s adventures always involved a kick-awesome techno soundtrack mixed with haunting scores of orchestrated music. The games were intense and difficult, but always fun to play. 

Of all the songs in the series, including the Bond-esque “Snake Eater,” my favorite is the continuously powerful hymn from Shadow Moses Island. Any time director Hideo Kojima wanted to pull at the old heartstrings, he would whip out this little number. 

“Do you think love can bloom on a battlefield, Snake?”