The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top Ten Tones that Pown

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

 10)  Mario

This picture is kind of racist. Also, kind of awesome

 We might as well start with the father of all video game themes. Mario’s music is as iconic and catchy today as ever. And, since Nintendo will be making Mario games until the sun explodes, we had better get used to it. 

I remember my first time throwing a fat, sexy cartridge into my Nintendo Entertainment System and switching the VCR to “video.” That’s right, Generation Y-ers. You know what I’m talking about. Oh, it didn’t want to play the first time? Blow on that hole, baby. You blow on it hard.

That hole right there? That’s why your older brother is so dirty

Immediately after the obligatory Nintendo logo, the music starts. And just like that, Saturday morning is going to be fucking WICKED!

OK, it’s not Beethoven’s 7th, but this was epic back in 1985

Mario music was, is and shall remain some of the best video game music around. And why? It’s so catchy. It’s a dance tune that you can enjoy while curb-stomping goombas. It’s so good it has RARELY changed in almost 30 years. More than that, Mario music just feels fun. It takes us back to a time when games were all about that three-letter word, about getting kids away from the scary outdoors with its drugs and sex and dancing women. 

I dare you to watch this and not feel classy

I grew up with an older brother, and Mario is the first game we really played together. It was one of our first bonding moments, at least the first that I was developed enough to remember. For me, this music transports me back to kindergarten, to waiting on the couch for my brother to finish a level so that I could have a go. These tended to be short turns, as I sucked at hand-eye coordination back then. 

Nowadays, I’m a regular–HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK DID I GOOGLE?

Mario started many of your journeys into video games as well. And it deserves it’s space here at the very beginning. But just as we have all grown into more mature gamers, we soon sought out more mature games.