The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Top Ten Tones that Pown

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

1)  Zelda

There is a reason I put Link and Sheik at the top of this list. Without a doubt, The Legend of Zelda has the most powerful theme in gaming. 

To me, at least. But I’m writing this list, so I’m putting it here.

The adventures of Link defined key points of my growth as a gamer. From sucking it up dungeon-to-dungeon in the original NES classic, to the mystical weirdness that was Wind Walkers, this series has been constantly impressive and consistently enchanting. You can’t tell me that you played Ocarina of Time and didn’t at least shed a few tears. 

And who can blame you? Not with this heralding the Start screen.

Majestic, powerful and the perfect start to one of the greatest adventures in all of gaming. 

And, like a fine wine, it just gets better with age. 

And again

25th Anniversary Edition

But don’t let me just sit here and talk at you. What are your top ten themes? Post them below and tell me why they deserve a spot up here. And then like this on Facebook, because that earns me Internet Bucks.