The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Ten Most Useless Weapons In Gaming

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

2) Rinoa’s Pinwheel, Final Fantasy VIII

My love for Final Fantasy VIII is no secret. While some say it was the dumbed-down version of the classic RPG series, I choose to believe it was a great leap forward for the epic franchise. 

This is a good time to acknowledge that, yes, I am aware of other lists of this nature on the internet. And yes, many of them point to Final Fantasy VIII for the Gunblade, as it is and shall remain a very silly weapon. But you cannot deny that, when in the right hands, the Gunblade is a damned effective tool. 

Not so for Rinoa’s Pinwheel.


Yes, Rinoa was the mage of the group and therefore didn’t really need much in the way of a weapon, but come on. A pinwheel? A fucking pinwheel? Again with the child’s toy. 

Even with the ultimate version of this weapon, Rinoa did a fraction of the damage of her counterparts. Not only that, she didn’t even look cool while doing so. 

Considering that the fate of the world was at stake for every second of this four-disc game, you’d think that the leading lady would bring more than just a fancy kite.

In other words, Rinoa’s pinwheel is as useful as labradoodle at Michael Vick’s house.