The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Ten Most Useless Weapons In Gaming

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

7) Knife, Resident Evil

Forget for a moment that Resident Evil has been an action-movie for the last few games. Forget that, in times of danger, you are prompted to jump-kick your way through zombies. OK? You with me?

In the original Playstation games, players had to fight against poor controls as much as zombies. More than that, this “tank” design left players with no ability to aim for the head, which zombie-aficionados will understand is the only way to really put them down. 

As this was a survival-horror game, ammunition was scarce, but the alternative to a pistol was downright laughable.


A knife? Really? Against the teeth and claws of a shambling horror?

It’s like the developers figured if you ran out of ammo, you’d probably just reload from an old save anyway.  

In other words, bringing a knife to a zombie fight is about as useful as…well, a knife in a zombie fight.