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The Morning Roundup: Transformers 2 Spoilers, Hellboy II Goodies and More

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageWe've got details about Michael Bay's next Transformers movie, as well as some new production stills from Hellboy II, along with other news from around the world of pop-culture.

IESB scored some major spoilers about Transformers 2. The big one? It will feature Devastator! There's no telling what the giant robot might be called, but the word on the street is that a bunch of robots will indeed form into one giant 'bot. IESB also scored some minor cast breakdowns, which I've included in inviso-text below:

[CHUCK] 19-25 yrs., Sam's roommate at Princeton. He runs a conspiracy theory website. Funny in an irreverent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his conspiracy theories come to life. (2nd Lead)


[U.S. MILITARY LEADER] Late 20s/early 30s, African American with a great sense of humor and a tough military presence. (Supporting lead)

[UK SPECIAL FORCES LEADER] British, in his early to mid 30s, smart and capable. Can be Caucasian, Black, East Indian. (Supporting lead)

[GALLOWAY] Early 40s-early 50s, male, National Security Advisor and presidential liaison. A curt man who is tightly wound. (Supporting Lead)

[PROFESSOR COLAN] 40s, Sam's physics professor at Princeton. He's a self-satisfied intellectual who compares himself to Einstein, and is arrogant enough to wear leather pants to look cool. (1 Scene)

[THERESA] Early 30s; she's Sgt. Epps' wife, has 4 kids, sassy and sexy, good with comedy. Submit African American actresses only

[MOMMA SIMMONS] This NY Momma is in her late 60s / early 70s. She runs a deli/ butcher shop with her son in Brooklyn. Tough and sarcastic. (1 Scene)

[MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO] 50s, male, this Corporate CEO appears in front of congress to testify. (1 speech/scene)

[TEXAS CONGRESSMAN] 55-65 yrs., on a Congressional Committee investigating the purpose of the "Automated Defensive Initiative" developed by Massive Dynamics.

[FBI DIRECTOR] Mid 50s, male, giving a press release assuring the public they will be safe against attacks. (1 speech/scene)

[CNN REPORTER] Reporting on missile strikes and bombings in various cities. Submit male / female, all ethnicities (1 speech)

George Lucas dropped by the Cartoon Network to talk about his new series The Clone Wars.

Thank Crom: A remake of Short Circuit is coming!

Mary Lynn Rajskub has joined Amy Adams and Meryl Streep in Julie and Julia.

OK, random: Facebook founder MarkZuckerberg will host an upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live.

Holy shit! The SciFi Channel is unveiling the season premiere of Battlestar Galactica at 9 a.m. PST!

Batman: The Brave and The Bold is headed for the Cartoon Network. The new series will feature other heroes like Green Arrow and The Blue Beetle.

Stage update:

• The meta-musical [title of show] is headed for Broadway.
• Regina Taylor's Magnolia will bow at the Goodman.
• Nicole Kidman and Judi Dench may join the cast of Rob Marshall's adaptation of the Broadway musical Nine. The cast already includes Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard and Sophia Loren.

The official website for the science drama Dark Matter has hit the web, and you can see the official trailer right here.

Hellboy II also has an official website, as well as an official trailer at Yahoo Movies! We've also got some killer production stills.







And for no good reason, I wanted to share a short movie I really like. It's an animated short called Katedra, or The Cathedral.

Oh, good! Nazi bathing-suit babes!

Ninja Gaiden DS gets a release date in the UK.

Natalie Portman will star in the new Devendra Banhart video.