The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Toy Story 3 Casting News, Superman to Reboot, New Movie Trailers

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageThis morning we have news that Superman will be rebooted with a darker vision, Quantum of Solace may have release date issues, as well as trailers for Transporter 3, RocknRolla, and Fast and Furious, and more!


The perceived failure that was Superman Returns means that a straight sequel is officially not going to happen, and instead the character will be rebooted with a new film.  And you should expect it to be dark because the (flawed, IMO) reasoning seems to be if dark worked for The Dark Knight, it will work for Superman and every other DC character that gets a feature film.  As WB President Jeff Robinov said, We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it.”  That makes the kind of sense that doesn’t. 

In what may prove to be a film pirate’s wet dream, Quantum of Solace is going to be released in a staggered fashion, premiering in the UK and France on October 31, November 5-7 though most of the major world markets, but not until November 14 here in the U.S. and not until November 27 in Australia and New Zealand.  I think I’ll still wait to see Bond’s latest adventure in the theater, but you can bet not everyone will.

There might be more Riddick movies in the works, but will anyone want to see them? 

Speaking of Vin Diesel projects, his latest film Babylon A.D. is being slammed by none other than its very own director Matieu Kassovitz who among other things said, “I should have chosen a studio that has guts. Fox was just trying to get a PG-13 movie. I'm ready to go to war against them, but I can't because they don't give a shit.”

Michael Keaton is joining the cast of Toy Story 3, the plot of which is described as “Woody the cowboy and his toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, leaves for college.” 

One of the characters killed off in an early season of Lost is set to return for a single episode in the upcoming fifth season.  I've put the character's name below in Invsio-Text. If you've managed to avoid this spoiler so far and would like to keep it that way, don't highlight the area below for the reveal.

Ana Lucia – Michelle Rodriguez

We have some new trailers for your viewing pleasure:

Transporter 3:


Fast and Furious: