The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: Punisher 2 Website, Video Game Release Dates, Prince of Persia Casting

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSome rumors about who might star in the upcoming Prince of Persia movie have broken online, as well as a new trailer for Madagascar 2 and a better look at the X-Files 2 trailer. Also, Frank Castle is pissed.

We've got some major spoilers for Pushing Daisies season two right here at CC2K!

MGM has a slew of new projects in the works, including new entries for James Bond, The Pink Panther, The Thomas Crown Affair, The Outer Limits, Death Wish and Robocop.

Dark Horse Comics and Universal Pictures have signed a seven-picture deal.

IESB thinks they know who's been cast in the upcoming Price of Persia movie.

What does Warner Bros. have planned for the rest of 2008?

Keep track of all the music at SXSW at Pitchfork Media.

Regal Cinemas has finally approved restricted, or "red-band" movie trailers.

IGN has a huge update on video game release dates: XBOX 360, PS2, Wii, PS3.

The official website for the Punisher sequel is online!

Dreamworks released the trailer for Madagascar 2. You can watch it below.

Also, a better version of the X-Files 2 trailer leaked online. Check it out, and thanks to X-Files News!