The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Morning Roundup: New Iron Man Clip, Rapunzel Concept Art, Clone Wars Trailer

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageA new clip from Iron Man has appeared online, along with some great-looking concept art from a long-delayed Disney project, as well as a new trailer for The Clone Wars animated movie and new pictures from The X-Files 2.

STRIKE update: SAG has rejected an offer to limit their voting to members who work regularly.

UGO has the official trailer for Quarantine, which sounds like a Cloverfield-y take on a viral outbreak movie.

Shia LeBeouf will star in the thriller Dark Fields.

Stage Update:

• A lost Tennessee Williams play will finally get a decent production in New York.
• The Pantages Theater has unveiled its 2009 season.

Nickelodeon got a new clip from Iron Man, which has started formal screenings. The new clip is below, and AICN has a roundup of the initial reactions.

The trailer for the new, animated Clone Wars movie leaked online.

Ron Moore and Michael Taylor just sold another sci-fi pilot to Fox, and it sounds awesome: Virtuality. I wonder how long it'll take Fox to fuck it up?

Zach Snyder's next project will be based on the children's lit book Guardians of Ga'Hoole.

Moviefone has a guide to the characters of Prince Caspian.

Holy crap! Cool new pictures from The X-Files 2:




Also, Slashfilm gave us the heads-up about Disney's Rapunzel. I guess this project had been languishing for awhile before finally getting the green light recently. The concept art looks awesome:



IESB has a report on the casting call for the film adaptation of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. The movie starts shooting June 4 in Los Angeles and Rome. If you've read the book – which is indistibguishable from The Da Vinci Code – none of these casting breakdowns should be spoilers. I'll put 'em in inviso-text anyway:[PHILLIPE] – 50’s, French Project manager at CERN. MUST SPEAK FRENCH, ITALIAN AND ENGLISH. 1 scene

[LEONARDO BENTIVOLIO] – 60-ish, both a priest and a physicist. Vittoria’s partner that is killed and mutilated at CERN during the stealing of the antimatter canister. MUST SPEAK ITALIAN AND SPEAK IN AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 1 scene

[CLAUDIO VINCENZO] – 40s-50s. Vatican Police. Recruits Langdon to help with the investigation on the Illuminati, bringing him to Rome. MUST SPEAK ITALIAN AND SPEAK IN AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 9 scenes.

[FATHER SIMEON] – 50’s, Mortati’s unctuous, and ever-vigilant aide. As the four cardinals have been kidnapped, he pressures Cardinal Mortati to break the rules and begin the conclave without them, as it is for the benefit of the waiting masses. He gets into a power struggle with the Camerlengo, then finally is unceremoniously killed by him. MUST SPEAK ITALIAN AND SPEAK IN AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 6 scenes.

[ERNESTO OLIVETTI] – 40’s-50’s, This solemn and solidly built Inspector General of the Vatican Police calls for Langdon to be part of this investigation, taking him to the headquarters of the Swiss Guard to debrief him with Rocher, then takes Langdon and Vittoria around the city as the killings unfold. MUST SPEAK ITALIAN AND SPEAK IN AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 18 scenes.

[CARDINAL LAMASSE] – 75-85 year old Italian cardinal, the first one that is killed on the Altar of Earth. MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK WITH AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 2 scenes.

[DOCENT/TOUR GUIDE] – 35-45, male or female. This museum docent answers Langdon’s esoteric yet frantic question about Raphael’s tomb. MUST SPEAK ITALIAN AND SPEAK IN AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 1 scene.

[ROMAN COP] 40-50, As Langdon is discovered in the Demon’s Hole, this Italian policeman treats him as a crazy person while he continues to ask him investigative questions until Rocher tells this cop to escort him to the Vatican, but is killed along the way by Mr. Gray. MUST SPEAK ITALIAN AND SPEAK IN AN ITALIAN ACCENT. 3 scenes.

[SWISS GUARDSMAN] – late 20’s to late 30’s. This guardsman acknowledges Camerlengo’s order to escort Mortati if he protests the evacuation at the Vatican tonight, then ushers Langdon into Rocher’s office following the explosion. MUST SPEAK GERMAN, SWISS OR ITALIAN. 2 scenes.

[SECOND CARDINAL] – 70's, This cardinal helps Mortati discover that the Camerlengo can in fact be elected by “Acclimation by Adoration.” 1 scene.

[AFRICAN CARDINAL] – (1 subtitled speech) – This cardinal places his ballot during the conclave, then reminds Mortati that he is not the Great Elector anymore, as he is now in the running for Pope. 2 scenes.

[NEWS REPORTER] – This East Indian reporter speaks with an English accent and introduces the Pope’s death in the opening scene. 1 scene.

[JAPANESE WOMAN REPORTER] gives a stand up report on a television monitor in St. Peter’s Square. No lines.

[ITALIAN REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters after the death of the Cardinals. 1 scene.

[CHINESE REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters after the death of the Cardinals. 1 scene.

[FRENCH REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters after the death of the Cardinals. 1 scene.

[BBC REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters after the death of the Cardinals, then again at the final wrap-up. 2 scenes.

[SOUTH AFRICAN REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters after the death of the Cardinals. 1 scene.

[BRAZILIAN REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters at St. Peter’s Square, and again in the final wrap-up. 2 scenes.

[AMERICAN REPORTER] – one in the row of reporters after the death of the Cardinals, at St. Peter’s Square, then in the final wrap-up. 3 scenes.