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The Morning Roundup: Friday Night Lights Is Back, Strike Update, Chris Farley, The Office Spinoff

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageFriday Night Lights will return for a third season, and the two major screen acting guilds – SAG and AFTRA – are preparing to negotiate with Hollywood producers. We also have lots of new posters and a slew of other news.

Yes! NBC has renewed Friday Night Lights! Here's the scoop: The third season will run 13 episodes (as of now) and will air on DirectTV starting Oct. 1. In early 2009, it'll make its debut on NBC. Hooray!

STRIKE update: SAG will begin negotiations on April 15, AFTRA on April 28.

Tuesday will be movie night on ESPN.

ABC has just unveiled three new sitcoms.

Las Vegas creator Gary Scott Thompson will run the new Knight Rider show.

ER's 15th and final season will run 19 episodes.

Page Six has a review of a new biography of Chris Farley.

Thomas Hayden Church has joined Kate Hudson in the cast of Big Eyes.

NBC has greenlit a spinoff of The Office! After some sniffing around online, it sounds like the new show will feature a combination of new and old characters.

Jay-Z has apparently signed a lucrarive deal with LiveNation.

Brian Dennehy has a double-dose of Eugene O'Neill coming his way.

Wow. Without a Paddle 2 is coming. Direct to DVD. Sheesh.

Thanks to IESB for some great new pics from The Dark Knight!





And thanks to Superhero Hype for some great new pics from Iron Man. Check 'em out here before we have to take 'em down!




Stan Lee has signed a three-picture deal with Disney.

So here's the trailer for Mike Myers' The Love Guru. You can pas judgment on how funny you think it looks, but apparently this trailer has already irked some religious leaders because of its portrayal of Hindu. Hey, this movie will have to get up pretty early in the morning to be more offensive than Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Variety reports that Amanda Righetti will play the female lead in the upcoming remake of Friday the 13th.

Hey, it's another trailer for Battlestar Galactica season four!

Posters! Below we have the final one-sheet for Get Smart and the poster for Pineapple Expreess, the latter courtesy of Be sure to check out our advance review of Pineapple Express!

