The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review: Episode 75
Written by: Fanboy Comics
Covering the week of 9/17/2012, the Fanboy Comics staff reviews the top geek stories from the popular, daily e-newsletter, The Fanboy Scoop.
In this episode, we discuss the implications of the Robocop remake’s new suit, James Gunn rewriting and directing Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel Studios, whether NASA will be able to achieve warp speed travel, the curiously absent blade through Agent Coulson’s chest in the UK Avengers DVD, and why The Hobbit has four endings for its new trailer.
Cast members: Sam Rhodes, Bryant Dillon, Drew Siragusa, and Barbra Dillon
Special guests: Shane and Chris Houghton, creators of Reed Gunther
Featuring: “Symphony of Science: Our Biggest Challenge“
EXCITING NEWS: You can hear now hear The Fanboy Scoop – Week In Review Season 2 on CC2K and Krypton Radio every Monday at 7:00 p.m./PST and every Saturday at 2:00 p.m.!
You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or download the episode!