The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

The Best Voice Artists in Video Games

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

David Hayter – Metal Gear Solid

Yes, you’ve heard of David Hayter. Even if you only know him from the one role, you can’t help but place that gravely voice behind one of gaming’s greatest heroes. 

You probably also know that he was the writer behind X-Men 2. In fact, I’ll bet you all think there is nothing new to learn about one of the earliest Voice Actors in the industry. Well, shut up. This is my article and I’ll talk about whomever I please. 

David played Captain America is the Spider-Man TV series, voiced countless characters in dozens of anime films, and even wrote the screenplay for Watchman

Oh, and for all you Black Widow fans out there: Still waiting for a solo movie for ScarJo? Well, David penned the screenplay for that one as well. 

BOOM! That’s a knowledge bomb for you. 

Of course, David is most famous for his portrayal of Solid Snake, which made the transition to Mr. Sutherland much harder in the next-gen titles. Somehow, I just don’t think David is quite done with the mantle of Earth’s greatest stealth guy quite yet.