The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Take Away the Controller: Video Game Television Series

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

2) Assassin’s Creed

This one ought to be a no brainer. You take the better parts of historical fiction (read: the murdery stuff) and add in secret societies (like the Davinci Code) with a dash of mysticism (like Indiana Jones). What do you get? Assassin’s Creed the freaking series. 

I envision this running a lot like the American Horror Stories show, with each season involving new characters and plotlines all surrounding a central theme and arc. Imagine exploring the many years of Assassin lineage, all wrapped in this incredible tale of ancient civilizations and impending doom?

Incredible, yes?

You would save a lot of money on casting, as many of the protagonists could play their parts again and again (Altair and Izio don’t have to be played by different actors, just one very talented guy). 

Also, the series could solve an issue that has plagued the games since day one: Give us a FEMALE assassin to play.


It’s not like history isn’t full of black widows.