The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Take Away the Controller: Video Game Television Series

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

3)  Resident Evil

I know what you’re thinking. “But Adam, there’s already like forty of those fucking movies.” 

Yeah, I get it. That’s not what I’m saying. 

Forget the repetetive (and yet wildly successful) Resident Evil franchise. Heck, forget about Mila Jovovich as the sultry and routinely retconned Alice.

Resident Evil the game was always about survival against unspeakable monsters, all while unraveling a powerful conspiracy. 

Imagine if The Walking Dead merged with The X-Files. That is the kind of powerful story-telling I’m thinking. Take the hardcore zombie killing action that audiences know and love, and add in The Wire and 24 style conspiracies. 

It may not be the next Better Call Saul, but I’d watch the hell out of it.