The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Pumpkins in Video Games

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

Nightmare Before Christmas


If you’ve never seen Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, then I hate you and want you to leave my article. This combination of musical genius and animated magic remains one of the best Halloween movies I’ve ever seen, and I simply won’t hear anything more on the subject. 

The film ends with a pretty tight finale, leaving little room for more a sequel (a choice that no film has made since). That wasn’t enough to stop the developers at Capcom from crapping out a quick tie-in. 

While there are no pumpkin-based characters in the game, there are about a billion pixelated orange mounds hanging about as decoration. I just really wanted to tell you how much I loved that movie.