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Prince Caspian Trailer Gives Master Class On How To Inflate 100-Page Novel Into Two-Hour Epic

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSource: Yahoo Movies

Shrek director Andrew Adamson continues his tone-deaf adaptations of C.S. Lewis’ perfectly pleasant Chronicles of Narnia with the second in the series, Prince Caspian. The first trailer for it hit the web last night.

That Warner Bros. tasked Adamson to treat Lewis’ schoolchildren adventures like Homeric legend is no surprise, given the success of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.

More snark after the jump!

Don’t get me wrong – I love me some Narnia, but the books (barely 100 double-spaced pages each) do not warrant two-and-a-half hour adaptations.

But that’s not the worst part. In the first movie, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Adamson missed the point entirely. The climax of that first novel is at the Stone Table, when the White Witch slays Aslan, and the lion king returns from the dead using deeper magic. Once Aslan returns from the dead, a victory for the forces of good is a foregone conclusion.

If a story about a guy who can come back from the dead and defeat anything doesn’t sound interesting, I don’t know what to tell you. That’s what you get for adapting a novel based on Christian myth.