The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Next Gen, Same Problems

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

These Are Gonna Break All the Time

Four words: Red Ring of Death. 

It took Microsoft months to figure out why their new system kept on breaking, and cost millions of dollars in lost revenue and replacements in the mean time. 

Sony has already seen thousands of PS4s simply stop working, their Cylon-like red glow mocking the users. Think XBOX One will fair any better? Not with Microsoft’s track record.

Now look, I’m not saying that you were a fool to wait in line at Best Buy until 3 AM to get your new system. I’m just saying that, like all things, patience is a virtue here. The next generation of consoles is surely going to usher in some amazing changes for the gaming industry, and we will all reap the rewards. But don’t be upset if the next few months aren’t bonkers crazy awesome, because Rome wasn’t built in a day. 

Oh, and if you just spent upwards of $600 to play Angry Birds, then I am calling you a fool. A rich fool, but a damn one too.

So while you wait for the real games of the next generation, why not pass the time with my new book? Out now on!