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New Star Trek Uniforms Spotted; Mom of Spock, Yeoman Rand Cast

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSources: IESB, Ain't It Cool News, Variety

The intrepid shutterbugs at have captured the first glimpses of the Starfleet uniforms in J.J. Abrams' upcoming reboot of Star Trek, and they're looking good.

The cast was instructed to wear large, black trenchcoats when not shooting, but you can still see the collar line and the bottoms of their pants.

The collar line reminds me of Naval dress whites, but naturally in Star Trek they come in the green, blue and red seen on the original series.

ImageEvoking Naval uniforms has always been a good call for Star Trek. The burgundy dress uniforms seen in movies two through six have always been my favorite, and I've liked the uniforms less and less as they've progressed through the iterations seen in Deep Space Nine and Voyager.  

In related news, Ain't It Cool News is reporting that the towering Rachel Nichols has been cast as Janice Rand, who if memory serves was a yeoman on the original series.

UPDATE! Winona Ryder has been cast as Amanda Grayson, Spock's human mother.