The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

New Captain America Has New Look … Packs Heat?

Written by: Big Ross, CC2K Staff Writer

ImageSource: Marvel  

If you didn't know, the venerable  Marvel Comics superhero Captain America was recently killed.  As part of their Civil War storyline, Steve Rogers was taken out in a hail of gunfire.  But in the tradition of no superhero ever really dying (or staying dead for long) the "Star-Spangled Avenger" is being resurrected.  At least, the character is.  

Marvel has announced that while Rogers will remain dead, a new hero will take up the shield and defend America.  And evidently, he'll be doing it with a new outfit and a Glock as well.

Check out more info and images of the new Cap after the jump. 



Marvel brought in respected comic artist Alex Ross to design the new look of the new Captain America.  Regarding the inclusion of the gun, Ross said,

"'Oh, he's got a gun now. Captain America with a gun?!' You know, it should stick in your mind that that's something. This is not your father's Captain America, so to speak. It's a more brutish interpretation, at this point, for the modern age."


The *new* Captain America: hero, patriot, spokesman for rhe NRA

You know, that last comment doesn't seem like such an oxymoron when we're invading countries under false pretenses with no exit strategy, torturing "enemy combatants", and infringing on the rights and freedoms of our own citizens.  So maybe the new Captain America will appeal more to red-staters than blue, but Ross went on to say,

"I'm not worried about it (the gun) that much because the costume design looks so cool I figure everybody (will) love it…"

Oh, well in that case I guess parents of 12-year-olds won't have a problem with it.

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