The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Lilly Allen’s Latest: It’s Not Me It’s You

Written by: Sherryn Daniel, Special to CC2K

CC2K newcomer Sherryn Daniel gives a thumbs-up to Allen's latest.

ImageWho needs to spend $15 on a self-help book when you can just chillax to Lily Allen’s second album It’s Not Me, It’s You? For example, if you are an indulgent 22-year-old, caught up in dedicating her days to dressing sexy, wearing loads of makeup and putting out to feel good about yourself— you can easily quash that by listening to “22,” a song that discourages misguided women from living a vapid life.

Unlike Allen’s first album Alright, Still, she sounds more realistic, like it’s actually her sassy voice behind those lyrics instead of producer 8 or the 12th writer from her company’s production team. Her first-ever single, “Smile,” was kitschy, but her latest single, “The Fear,” not only latches onto the awww-factor, but actually expresses the difficulties of living through materialism, plastic surgery and sycophants. Lily has been noted in the media for adding more of herself into this album, co-writing all of the songs. Good job, Lilly!

Most of Lily’s songs are focused on her silky English voice sifting through the regret-laden ballads except, her first track. “Everyone’s at It” has screeching synthesizers upon random techno beats that will slither your eardrums to bits. Yes, anti-depressants can screw you up but does she really want our ears to bleed sympathy for this generation’s drug plight? Maybe this song should be on the b-sides. It’s fortunate though that the rest of her songs are not splintered musically and lyrically.

“Never Gonna Happen” and “Back to the Start” are great motivators, imploring girls to ignore that desperate guy in their lives and to ask for forgiveness from a certain diva who was everything you were not. Delete the tempos, beats, and her classic electronic style and you have a woman’s guide to dealing with every day beef.

If you are American, and angry over the way President Bush has run the country for the last 8 years (or if you happen to reside on planet Earth), please listen to the aptly-titled “Fuck You.” It is created especially for him and offers remnants of Lily’s infamous MySpace blog meshed into the song. It’s Not You, It’s Me went for more of an ethereal sound than the last, and ultimately leaves you addicted to most of her tracks, like the druggie protagonist singing out in “Everyone’s at It.”