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JLA Update: Superman is Cast? Flash is Old?

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSources: Dark Horizons, UGO

Two sources bring us mighty updates on the upcoming movie Justice League of America. Here are the scoops:

• Garth at Dark Horizons is reporting that Rupert Evans will play Superman. The 30-year-old Evans played a rookie agent in Guillermo Del Toro's Hellboy.

• The Flash will be the Barry Allen version of the Flash, not the younger Wally West incarnation.

UGO also offers a detailed run-down of the first 15 pages of the script, which I won't divulge here, except to say that I like the opening imagery.

I wonder, though, how the filmmakers will justify the galloping comic-book-ness of this screenplay.  Bryan Singer and his X-Men team were able to use the Marvel universe's more somber tone to make their movies more realistic, but how will a movie full of DC characters play?

I hope they just commit to it – commit to every detail.