The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Infinity Wars

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

2) The Perfect Roster

You like the Avengers? Disney owns them, so they’re features heavily. You like Disney’s deep roster of cartoon wonder? It’s all there! And, seeing as there’s no reason to stop milking a cash cow, any new franchise that comes into Disney’s sight will be packaged into a bite-size chunk and sold for $8.99 at your local toy store. 

Big Hero 6? Already done. The entire Frozen line-up? Been there for ages.

In fact, the only heroes yet to make an appearance are from the Star Wars universe, but that’s fast approaching (rumors suggest they will tie in that launch with the release of episode VII). You think Beanie Babies were an obsession? Wait until you have a chance to have Yoda fight Goofy!

And since Disney can’t seem to stop itself from purchasing every loose IP under the sun, there is no real end in sight for how deep their roster can go. Street Fighter, Resident Evil, God of War…whatever they can buy will end up inside the Infinity universe.