The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Here There Be Monsters: Evolve

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

The big question, of course, is whether or not this game is worth a $60 purchase price. In truth, that is a hard one. Personally, I enjoy these types of online experiences. While I did notice some instances of lag, the performance overall was stellar. Each match lasted between 20-45 minutes, and progression happens just fast enough to feel worthwhile. If you prefer to run with groups of people, then this game is perfect for you. As always, I recommend renting if you can (GameFly for the win) but I can say that this title will certainly be worth the price of admission. 

That said, if you are like me and really dig a solid story and solo experience, this is not for you. Evolve is catering to a specific market, and they do it amazingly well. But when you try to go offline, in a world populated by bots, the experience is a little less satisfying. Your AI companions to an admirable job keeping up, but they can’t compare to real folk. I still recommend giving the game a try, but I wouldn’t push for a purchase until you know what you’re getting into. 

Evolve is a high-concept monster hunt, with impeccable production value and incredibly balanced gameplay. If you have a group of friends and want a break from getting called to duty, this is one of the first must-haves of the year. 

7.9 / 10