The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Halloween Video Game Special

Written by: Corey Bonanno, Special to CC2K


Outlast is a gruesome and violent nightmare that uses its unabashed imagery and sexually graphic nature to debase your psyche.  You step into the shoes of an investigative journalist in search of the truth behind rumors of experimental procedures at an isolated Correctional Asylum.  Armed only with a video camera, you become reliant on the night vision of the recorder to safely navigate the maniacs that hunt you through this six-hour roller coaster.

The game relies on your ability to navigate around the madness that envelops the body strewn maniacal halls.  At times, the AI seems to be hyper-aware of you and able to sense you even when you feel hidden.  That shouldn’t dissuade you from trudging through the blood, guts, and mutilated monsters of Outlast.  It truly is worth your time if you are up for imagery that will have you cringing in horror and the true fear of being hunted.