The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Guide to Thanksgiving Gaming

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

It’s that most magical time of year, when families come together to celebrate the wonders and joy of the holidays. Fires crackle, carols serenade, and the aroma of feasts overwhelm the senses. And as you settle down on the couch to watch the big game with your loved ones, I’m sure you’ll have the same thought running through your head as well:

How am I supposed to game like this?

Let’s get this out of the way up front. Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday of the year. As a Member of the Tribe, Christmas is more of a go-to-a-move-and-eat-Chinese kind of time. I don’t get all misty-eyed at New Years, and aside from the 4th of July, my Summers are just grim reminders that I no longer live the student’s life.

So when the family comes together for turkey, I’m about as happy as a character in a Geico commercial.

But as a gamer, the holidays present a conundrum. Like most Americans, I travel on the holidays. As I am not comfortable checking my PS3, and don’t have the funds to buy it a seat, I have to get creative when it comes to my holiday gaming. So here, for your edification, is my guide to holiday gaming escapes.