The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Gnarwolves :: Adolescence :: Pure Noise Records

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Gnarwolves :: Adolescence :: Pure Noise Records


New fucking Gnarwolves! I don’t remember when, but I fell in love with these guys instantly. They have such a classic sound, voice, and attitude. Everything that I love about punk, so when I heard that they were coming out with a new album I was equally anxious and excited.

This 4 track EP is a bit different than the Gnarwolves we have come to know and love. These tracks show different sides and style of the band, creating a full sounding EP. 

It opens with The Waiting Line  a growling snotty punk track with a hook and sing along section  that you can’t deny.

Daydreamer is super British, like in the way that Cocksparrer is super British. The accent is this and they are just spitting it out. This track is full of energy and speeds up as it progresses. The music is ridiculous and will have the pit into a frenzy before they even know what happened to them. 

Blondie is the antithesis of Daydreamer. It is stripped down, acoustic, raw, and naked. It is full of passion, desperation, and resignation. The vocals will touch a raw nerve somewhere in you i the most natural way and you will be moved. Blondie leads into Bad Dreams naturally, almost as if the guitar comes in mid song. The vocals are aggressive and catchy. The last 3rd of the song picks up and is super upbeat, create a cool feel to the end of the album.

So, Adolescence is only 4 tracks, but it does a great job of holding us over until the next full length. You can check out Gnarwolves antics via Instagram and you can also stream Daydreamer over at Noisey.