The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Gamer Grub: A Night of Terror

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

Poison for Sale

The first time I saw Gamer Grub, I was working at a retail store. To avoid any legal ramifications, let’s not name any names here. It was just a large, big box electronic store. Where people could buy things. The best things, really. Let’s call it We Sell.

Subtle…real subtle

So I worked as a supervisor at We Sell, peddling games and movies to the unwashed masses. It was fun, but also a soul-sucking drain on my life. Which meant that when I got home, I needed a release. You know who was there for me? Games.

It’s like one of those Japanese companion pillows, except this one loves you back

One day, tossed half-hazardly in my section, were purple bags of something called Gamer Grub. The art depicted some manner of edible kibble with a peanut butter and jelly flavor. Until that moment, I had not been aware that PB&J was the go-to snack for the 1337 (LEET).

Perhaps I was in a sullen mood. Perhaps spending 40 hours a week under florescent lighting had rotted away my brain. But at the end my shift, I found that I had purchased a bag of Grub to take home. That, dear readers, was my first mistake.