The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Five Things I Learned from a Weekend in Los Santos

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

2) Some People Have Already Sacrificed Their Real Life for This 

The game has only been out a week. This shouldn’t be possible.

As I watched another player casually pump lead into my lifeless corpse, I felt the need to pull up the game roster and check my competition. Most were fresh faces like me, levels four and five. However, there was a diamond in the rough. In fact, it was the very same S.O.B. who was mutilating my carcass. This player, who we’ll refer to as xXG0tnOL1F3Xx, was a level FOURTY-SEVEN.

The game had been out of four days at the most, and this person had done ten-times more than anyone around him? It’s true, you can level relatively quickly by playing certain missions over and over again, but this kind of dedication amazes me. And I marathon Fallout games on the daily. I had been putting in three-to-four hours after work to build up my character and his bank account, and I’d only managed a meager level ten by Sunday.

As of yet, the level cap for GTA O remains a closely guarded secret. Rockstar is still pumping in new content and dealing with glitches both big and small. Maybe one thing they should work toward is balancing issues as super-powered players gain bigger and badder weaponry and armor. You know, the same problem every other MMO faces.

Especially since the most amazing and enjoyable part of the game is that it reveals a truth about us all.