The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Far Cry Primal: Review

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

 A Journey Worth Taking?

At the end of 20 hours, I felt a little drained. Many points in the adventure were fun, don’t get me wrong. I would gladly replay certain missions, or spend a few hours wandering the countryside with my tamed wolf friend. But after the end credits rolled, I felt oddly relieved. Normally, I get a bit sad at the end of a long playthrough. I already miss my favorite characters, and I can’t wait to try it all again. It feels very much like when I finished MGS V and decided I was going to give Hideo Kojima a wide berth for the next few years. Yes, I enjoyed the game, but I am overspent on that style for a bit. 

That thought led to another: How has Ubisoft gone from one generation of consoles to the next with nearly zero innovation? Sure, you can tame animals and upgrade a village, but this is essentially the same game we’ve been playing for nearly 10 years. In the same amount of time, Konami took Metal Gear Solid from a linear stealth/action hybrid to a monstrous open-world military outing. Where is the new content? Where are the new animations? I have skinned animals with the same downward stab + grunt + slide for three games now. I need some change, Ubisoft. Show me you’ve done more than update the paint on your tired old engine.

If you enjoy Far Cry games, you will enjoy Primal. There is enough here to satisfy you for 20 hours or more, depending on how much of a completionist you are. After that, I can’t say any amount of DLC will bring me back to Oros Valley. While this was a fun little adventure, I’m hoping the next vacation will be somewhere less familiar. 


Far Cry: Primal – 6.5 / 10