The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Far Cry Primal: Review

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

A Long Time Ago, in the Same Old Galaxy

Far Cry Primal kicks off in 10,000 BC. You play as Takkar, a member of the Wenji tribe in the Oros Valley. This reality is brought to life through gorgeous graphics, incredible sound, and an insane attention to detail. Each character you meet speaks in a minimalist caveman language, helpfully translated in subtitles. People where animal skins, leather rags, and war paint. There are moments during the game where you just want to stop and take in the surroundings. Wooly Mammoths stomps around the landscape, drinking from huge lakes or defending against Saber Tooth Tigers. Your fellow tribesmen hunt and are hunted, and rely on you to keep them safe.

After a while, however, you lick off all the icing and are left with a cake that is remarkably old. The core gameplay has not changed since Far Cry 3. You have to climb up high structures to reveal parts of the map, take over outposts to unlock fast travel, and hunt animals to upgrade your gear. The only real addition to the game is the village itself, which you upgrade and stock by completing missions and rescuing wandering villagers. 

The story of the main mission is very one note, which isn’t always a terrible thing, but comes across as lacking given the scope of this world. The Wenji are one of three tribes in the valley, and Takkar is fighting for supremacy. That is…it. There are mini quests inside the main story, but your end goal is very simple. Survival of the fittest.