The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Del Toro Wants to Helm Book 7: Get Ready for Hellboy Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Written by: Tony Lazlo, CC2K Staff Writer
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ImageSource: MTV

MTV's movie blog is reporting that Guillermo Del Toro, the genius behind Pan's Labyrinth, is interested in directing a Harry Potter movie – which pretty much means he's interested in directing the final installment, Deathly Hallows, seeing as how David Yates has already signed on to direct the sixth movie, Half-Blood Prince.

Of course, regular readers of this site will know in what low regard I hold Rowling's final Potter novel. I'd have rather seen Del Toro direct book three or five.

But maybe Del Toro could break from the literalist ranks of most of the Potter filmmakers and follow the lead of his colleague Alfonso Cuaron by altering Rowling's novel for the better.