The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

CC2K 2013 Gaming Awards

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor


Worst Game of 2013


If you follow gaming news, you’ve no doubt heard of the monstrosity that was Aliens: Colonial Marines. Started as a labor of love toward one of the best scifi franchises in history, it became mired in development hell for years. No amount of crowdsourcing, panhandling or back-alley drug deals could get this decrepit thing off the ground.

And then, suddenly, it was just out. Made available for human consumption without the benefit of a QA team, or maybe an exorcist. 

Aliens: Colonial Marines was one of the worst games ever made. The graphics look like they were made for the PS1, the controls were clunky and unresponsive, and the aliens were neutered donkeys with plastic glued to their faces. Needless to say, it did not receive rave reviews. 

What made it worse was the fact that this was Aliens, a franchise that needed no help garnering an audience. This should have been a slam dunk. People should have played this game and seen Heaven. Instead, they waisted $60 on a disk with more bugs than Starship Troopers III

Yes, Sim City holds the title for the worst launch in history, but it is still a playable game. This ugly mess should have never seen the light of day.