The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

CC2K 2013 Gaming Awards

Written by: Adam "ManKorn" Korenman, CC2K Video Games Editor

Best Shooter

On older consoles, it’s OK. On next generation consoles, its very pretty. On a PC, this may be my favorite game.

Most FPS titles are bought not for their single-player, but for their multiplayer. Battlefield 4 is no exception. The story is mediocre and does little more than teach you the mechanics. After that, you enter into a global battle with hundreds of your best friends, all with the intent of cyber-murdering each other into oblivion. 

The level-changing set pieces are intense and gratifying, and the sound design immerses you in the heat of combat. This is one of the finest shooters ever made, and a worthy entry into the next generation of fragging.