The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Written by: Corey Bonanno, Special to CC2K

We’re Putting a Crew Together


Grand Theft Auto V Heists are finally out, and CC2K is gearing up to take them on in an episodic video series for the site.  Adam and I are seeking two members of the community that are up to the challenge of joining our elite heist crew.  We have been trying to work on a series with the new heist content for sometime, but have run into a few snags. The problem with GTA Online happens to stem from the players themselves and the inability to matchmake quickly and with people willing to work together. 

Without a dedicated group of friends to play with, GTA Online has turned into a game of waiting in lobbies and having players drop out of sessions just as the heist gets underway.  This has resulted in much frustration and the inability for the content to be explored and experienced.  

We want to find two guys or gals that are ready to make some GTA bucks and become a calculated crew of badasses.  We’d love for a regular meet-up weekly or bi-weekly on the PS4 console with two friendly and cooperative CC2K readers.  Are you a twitch streamer that wants to become a part of the CC2K family and have your content become a part of the site?  Do you love GTA Online, but can’t find people to play with and build an online friendship?  We want you.

We happen to also be looking for more games writers for the site.  Someone in the PC space or knowledge of all things console or otherwise would be great, and joining us in GTA would be a great way to get to know you and your passion for games.

Get in touch with Adam or I on Twitter or in the comments below.  We are hoping to get things off the ground in the next couple of weeks and be ready to launch our first episode soon.  We can’t wait to meet you and and work towards advancing CC2K’s quality games coverage.

Let’s play some games.



Adam: @officermankorn
