The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Springtime :: South Hill

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Springtime :: South Hill :: Tiny Engines 

South Hill is 10 minutes and 46 seconds of some of the most passionate hardcore punk music that I have ever heard. This five track EP contains four original tracks and a fantastic Fugazi cover. This is one of those albums that there isn’t a “best” song, it works as one entity to burrow deep inside you until you are screaming and thrashing along. The music is fast and loud and full of power while the vocals shout lyrics with substance.  

This record makes me feel young. It makes me remember the restlessness of being a teenager living with my parents counting the days until graduation and leaving the small town I lived in. It reminds me of all the friends and possibilities of that time. And that is what punk is to me – the hope and passion of change.

I have no doubt that South Hill will be blasted from car windows into the dark summer nights and that every pit will go crazy with flailing arms and flying sweat and that Springtime will make their place in hardcore punk history. 

South Hill will be released this Tuesday, August 27, but you can pre-order it now over at Tiny Engines.