The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Reservoir :: Cicurina Vol. 1

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Reservoir :: Cicurina Vol. 1 :: Glory Kid Records


I was immediately captured by this album, while emo was not my thing (I was through and through pop punk [Weasel & Descendants style]) it has a special place in my heart. Emo was big in the 90s, a lot of the shows that I ended up going to just to hang out with my friends were emo shows, and this album Cicurina Vol. 1, took me right back there.



The first track, Breathe Disaster, is a bit melancholy but with a backbeat that is pretty poppy and an exhausted scream that connects with you in the simplest way. Waves Erase, is my favorite track, the vocals begin quietly and the music is methodical then the music picks up and becomes powerful and almost aggressive, then the vocals come up to match that intensity. Beyond the Red, is slow, dark, ethereal, and menacing. It creates a mood that just washes over you, seriously, it takes you over. Gardens, rides waves of quite intensity from beginning to end, with some great guitar parts and distortion.


After I listened to this album a few time, I went looking to see if I could find their lyrics and I am so glad that that were posted. Each song, is a sparse, concise, breathy poem, which is just as beautiful without the music. Breath Disaster exists in a world of paradoxes. Waves Erase, is sparse and to the point. Beyond the Red is metaphorical, traditional, and modern at the same time. “Stretching veins of steel beyond the red and whiskey eyes” and “The screams I chased with laughter are back to cut me thin.” are just two lines in this song alone that can compete with the word of modern poetry. Garden, uses traditional nature imagery to illustrate the tribulations of the human condition.


If you are a fan of emo, like before it was whiny, check out this record, it really does take you back in time.