The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom

Album Review :: Pkew Pkew Pkew :: Self Titled

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Pkew Pkew Pkew :: Self Titled :: Royal Mountain Records

Pkew Pkew Pkew’s self titled album had me from the first seconds. It kicks off with a sing along section over some solid pop punk. Okay, I’m sold.


Every track was solid music that will capture you. They have melodies that just won’t quit. You will sing along. You will dance. You will. You have no choice. I’m sure their pits are ridiculous. Ridiculous in a fun let’s release some energy way, not ridiculous in the black eye, bloody nose way.


And the lyrics, the lyrics are great. Every song tackles a different scenario, general assholes, getting drunk before you go out drinking, and even Kathie Lee, with an eloquent tongue in cheek voice. Every song offers a are witty, funny, self aware commentary on our society. They are a throwback to all the great funny punk songs that seem to come far and few between these days.


This is a great summer album, start to finish,  to play with your windows down or at a party to see who catches on. My favorite song though, is track 2, Asshole Pandemic. It is so catchy, with a surfer pop rock sound underneath, that  you will try to sing along before you know the words.


You can check out Mid 20’s Skateboarder and Blood Clot or stream the whole record.


And I leave you with some insightful lyrics from, Glory Days, “If those were your glory days, then you must be really shitty now”.