The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Album Review :: Night Birds :: Maimed for the Masses

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

maimedNight Birds :: Maimed for the Masses :: Grave Mistake Records

Oh man, this EP is so freaking good. Where do I start? It is fast and snotty and thrashy and catchy – everything I love about music.

Self classified as surf punk this record totally surprised me. Though they do indeed nail the surf punk sound, their lyrics are far from the carefree attitude we associate with surf. Songs about and references to autoerotic asphyxiation, severed ears, wrestling, losing your mind, and mind numbing medication. The subject matter is dark to say the least, but man the music is so upbeat at catchy you will be singing along in no time. There is also an instrumental surf punk track that they totally pull off.

Also, can I tell you how fucking psyched I am that it came with a lyric sheet and an awesome sketched Night Birds logo on the top? There are always extra points awarded for lyric sheets.

All I can say at the conclusion of this EP is that I was desperately wanting more. Good news though, Night Birds just announced that they will be releasing Born to Die in Suburbia July 9th.