The Nexus of Pop-Culture Fandom


Album Review :: Man the Change :: Defeated

Written by: Andrea Janov, CC2K Music Editor

Defeated-CoverDefeated by Man the Change is fucking awesome, it is punk rock with a little melody and a little screaming, just how I like it. Every track is full of thrashy energy and guitars and drums that don’t quit. Val Killed Her, the opening track, totally psyches up the listener. Journeyman is super hooky, Skeeter has a  Nothing Gold Can Stay era A New Found Glory influence to the inflection on certain phrases (and I mean that in the most awesome way) and a great breakdown section. Keon’s Revival is short and relentless, Under Water has a bit deeper and darker intro before the drums totally take center stage, and Defeated is the perfect conclusion to the album, it is more soulful and ends with great feedback.

While the whole album is a lot of fun and will fuel any pit, my two favorite tracks are Journeyman and Defeated. Journeyman has all the greatest elements on this record the raw vocals, the melody, the screaming, and a bit of a deconstructed section in the middle. Defeated, the title track is the closing track of the album, it begins with the screamy catchiness that we have come to love over the course of the album, but then this intense chanting sing along section grabs you, but only for a moment until it is consumed by an instrumental section that carries you until the track comes to a conclusion. What a killer way to come off this record. 

Man the Change’s Defeated is out now on Hooked on Records.